
S3 EP52: Could Your Relationship be Making You Sick? The High Cost of Living With a Narcissist

Could living with a narcissist be making you sick? Are you struggling with more illnesses? Maybe you even have an autoimmune disease. In...

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S3 EP51: Don’t Trust Yourself? How Self-Doubt Keeps Us Stuck in a Bad Relationship

Are you stuck in a bad relationship? Are you wondering if you have good enough reasons enough to leave? In this podcast episode,...

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S3 EP50: Time to Leave? Top dos and don’ts when divorcing a narcissist: Interview with Kate Anthony

Are you considering divorcing a narcissist? Wondering how to do it safely? In today's podcast, Kate Anthony, a High-Conflict Divorce Coach and author...

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S3 EP49: Off-balanced by the ups and downs? How narcissists keep you confused.

Are you feeling off-balanced? Do you wonder how your narcissistic partner or loved one is keeping you confused? In this podcast episode, Tara...

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S3 EP48: Men can’t be victims, right? Common myths about men and narcissistic abuse: An Interview with Brent MacLerie

One of many harmful stereotypes men face is that they can't be victims of narcissistic abuse, yet the rates of narcissism are nearly...

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S3 EP47: Deceived by your partner? The devastating effects of betrayal trauma

When there's been a massive breach of trust, victims experience what's called betrayal trauma.  Yet, there's often a rush to fix the duplicitous...

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