
S3 EP109: Is It Narcissism or Autism? When Neurodivergence Is Used as an Excuse

Send us a text Is it autism or narcissism? It’s become trendy lately to excuse toxic/abusive behavior as neurodivergence. Today, Erica Little-Herron, an...

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S3 EP108: When It’s Necessary to Go No Contact With a Narcissistic Mother: A Conversation with Alex Anderson, FOG Movie

Send us a text Going no contact with a parent, particularly when it’s your mother, is a gut-wrenching decision. Alex Anderson, an independent...

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S3 EP107: The Disturbing Reasons Why Men Justify Violence Against Women: Interview with Chuck Derry, Co-Founder of Gender Violence Institute

Send us a text Why do men abuse? How does this behavior benefit them? Today, Chuck Derry, the co-founder of the Gender Violence...

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S3 EP106: When Your Ex’s New Life Looks Like a Dream After They Shattered Yours

Send us a text You’re barely picking up the pieces, and your ex has already moved on—posting picture-perfect snapshots of their new, fabulous...

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S3 EP105: Could Your Partner Be Sadistic? Why We Excuse Cruelty in Relationships

Send us a text Ever wondered if your partner’s cruelty is intentional? Do they know they’re being hurtful, or is it just thoughtlessness?...

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S3 EP104: The Four Most Dangerous Personalities Types to Avoid: An Interview with Joe Navarro, Former FBI Special Agent

Send us a text What signs warn that we’ve met not just a toxic person, but someone dangerous? This week Joe Navarro, author...

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