Kerry McAvoy

S3 EP66: Is my partner a narcissist? Highlights from Dr. Kerry’s 3 Favorite Interviews

Send us a Text Message. Relationships with narcissists can be confounding, confusing, and incredibly frustrating. Join Dr. Kerry for this holiday episode when she revisits the highlights of her three favorite interviews. Hear Dr. Les Carter’s explanation of why narcissists are so tricky, Lisa Sonni’s three steps to breaking a trauma bond, and Dr. Robin…

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S3 EP65: “We’re just trying to help!” How to Manage Toxic In-Law Drama

Send us a Text Message. Are you battling toxic in-law drama? Is your mother-in-law or father-in-law intruding into your relationship or family? This week, Rossana Faye joins us to discuss common toxic in-law drama, particularly when it involves a narcissistic mother- or father-in-law. This week's self-help tip is the importance of strengthening your couple's boundaries…

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S3 EP64: “How mad can I make you?” The Toxic Games Covert Narcissists Play

Send us a Text Message. Do you find yourself exasperated or angry at your partner, but you aren’t sure why? Do they put you into no-win binds? Covert narcissists love to play subtle, often hidden mind games. They are masterful at twisting the truth, hiding exploitative agendas, and playing the victim, enraging their partners and…

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S3 EP63: “You’re trying to control me!” Why Managing Boundaries with Narcissists Fails

Send us a Text Message. Have you noticed managing boundaries with narcissists always fails? That they find some tricky way to evade limit setting? Suddenly, you’re being accused of being too controlling or sensitive, or they can’t understand what you're asking. In this podcast, Lisa Sonni joins me to discuss the problems of managing boundaries…

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S3 EP62: “You’re not taking my babies from me!” How Jessica Kent Escaped Abuse

(Trigger Warning: This episode contains graphic descriptions of abuse.) This week, Jessica Kent, a wildly popular social media figure, joins me to share her story of escaping abuse. Jessica reveals how covert narcissistic abuse can go from subtle to violent, especially when victims leave the relationship. Jessica Kent is best known for prison reform advocacy….

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S3 EP61: How Could I Have Not Known? How Devastating Betrayals Blind Us

Sometimes, the truth can be right in front of you, but you still can’t see it. Rossana Faye joins me this week to discuss a concept Dr. Jennifer Freyd, in her book Blind to Betrayal, calls “betrayal blindness.” Some truths can be so devastating that they are difficult to face. And, the self-help tip is…

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S3 EP60: Why I’d Snoop Again: How this Toxic Behavior Sometimes Provides Closure and Safety

Is it ever okay to go through your partner's phone? I've been guilty of snooping and might consider doing it again. Narcissists and toxic personalities are masters at creating ambiguity. My ex used to readily offer me his credit card after we first started dating. He'd send photos of broken machinery and take me on…

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S3 EP59: I Think My Pet is Being Hurt! The Danger Narcissists Pose to Our Animals

An all-too-common problem is narcissists and pets. Toxic people often pose a serious danger to our beloved animals. In this podcast, Lisa Sonni and Dr. Kerry discuss the relationship toxic people often have with their family pets. Narcissists will often shower animals with love and attention only to harm the pets in private. The self-help…

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S3 EP58: Did the Church Groom Me for Abuse? When Spiritual Leadership Becomes Toxic

Have you been a victim of spiritual abuse? It's not just interpersonal relationships that can be toxic, but also group systems and leaders. Many are stepping forward to expose toxic church leadership and oppressive and abusive spiritual belief systems. This week, Natalie Hoffman, author of Is it Me? Making Sense of Your Confusing Marriage: A…

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S3 EP57: Am I The Narcissist? When Toxic People Accuse You of Being The Problem

Have you ever wondered, “Am I the narcissist?” Have you been accused of being the problem?  In this podcast episode, Rossana Faye joins me to discuss how to know who's creating the chaos. Narcissists are notorious for never seeing themselves as the root cause, but how do we know that the issue isn't us?  And…

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