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The Faces Behind The Mic

Show Host

Kerry Kerr McAvoy, Ph.D.


Kerry Kerr McAvoy, Ph.D. is an expert on cultivating healthy relationships, deconstructing narcissism, and understanding various other mental health-related issues. She’s been featured on Mamamia, YourTango, Scary Mommy, and The Good Men Project. On TikTok, Instagram, and YouTube, she educates about abuse dynamics and offers advice on trauma-related issues on her podcast, Breaking Free from Narcissistic Abuse. 

Her memoir, Love You More: The Harrowing Tale of Lies, Sex Addiction, & Double Cross, gives an uncensored glimpse into the dynamics of narcissistic abuse. She’s also recently published an online course and workbook, First Steps to Leaving a Narcissist: A Guide to Resolving Cognitive Dissonance, and co-wrote, Surviving to Thriving: A Six-Step Blueprint to Narcissistic Abuse Healing and Recovery, designed to help those struggling with a paralyzing mental fog to break free from the confusion and find greater direction. 

Learn more at kerrymcavoyphd.com

About the Podcast

Are you in a relationship that leaves you confused, feeling attacked, or walking on eggshells? Or have you gotten out of one that made you feel that way and are unsure what to do next?

Learn more about narcissistic abuse from Dr. Kerry McAvoy, a mental health clinician and author of Love You More and First Steps to Leaving a Narcissist and Lisa Sonni, Certified Life & Relationship Coach and author of The Trauma Bond Recovery Journal, Narcissism Unmasked, and co-authored with Dr. McAvoy of Surviving to Thriving: A Six-Step Blueprint to Narcissistic Abuse Healing & Recovery as they tackle toxic relationship dynamics.

Listen in as they describe destructive types of personalities, typical partner profiles, progressive stages of abuse, and common manipulation tactics. Find out why these relationships are difficult to avoid, what makes them tough to leave, and how to recover and find love for yourself again.


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